Symfony sfAssetsLibraryPlugin assets resize script

Hi there!

I’d like to share with this pretty simple script with you, hope it will save you few minutes.

You guys who familiar with this Symfony plugin for assets management probably know that it uses sfThumbnail plugin for making thumbnails of image assets.
sfThumbnail has configuration in app.yml and it looks like:

    upload_dir:       media                  # Asset library root, under the web/ dir
    check_type:       false                  # Set to true if you want to restrict the type of assets
    types:            ['image']  # Accepted asset types if check_type is true
    thumbnail_dir:    thumbnail              # Where the image thumbnails are stored
    use_ImageMagick:  false                  # Set to true if you have the convert command
    thumbnails:                              # Name and size (in pixels) of the thumbnails created at upload
      tiny:                                 # Displayed in the list page
        width: 70
        height: 70
      small:                                 # Displayed in the list page
        width: 100
        height: 100
        shave: false                          # Cut strips to constraint the image size
        width: 200
        height: 200
      large:                                 # Displayed in the details page
        width: 450
        height: 450
      original:                                 # Displayed in the details page
        width: 800
        height: 800
    search_pager_size: 20                    # Number of resuts per page
    mass_upload_size:  5                     # Number of file upload controls displayed in the mass upload form

This is cool but when you have your project up and running and decided to add new type of thumbnail (for instance name it ‘big’)

        width: 400
        height: 400
you’ll have a problem: you need to resize all old images according to new thumbnail type.

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Typographic Design Patterns and Best Practices

Just read interesting article on Smashing magazine regarding best practicies in website typography.


The study shows a clear set of common practices and guidelines for setting type in Web design. Note, though, that these findings are not scientific and should serve only as rough guidelines:

  1. Either serif or sans-serif fonts are fine for body copy and headings, but sans-serif fonts are still more popular for both.
  2. Common choices for headlines are Georgia, Arial and Helvetica.
  3. Common choices for body copy are Georgia, Arial, Verdana and Lucida Grande.
  4. The most popular font size for headings is a range between 18 and 29 pixels.
  5. The most popular font size for body copy is a range between 12 and 14 pixels.
  6. Header font size ÷ Body copy font size = 1.96.
  7. Line height (pixels) ÷ body copy font size (pixels) = 1.48.
  8. Line length (pixels) ÷ line height (pixels) = 27.8.
  9. Space between paragraphs (pixels) ÷ line height (pixels) = 0.754.
  10. The optimal number of characters per line is between 55 and 75, but between 75 and 85 characters per line is more popular,
  11. Body text is left-aligned, image replacement is rarely used and links are either underlined or highlighted with bold or color.

Read full article here: Typographic Design Patterns and Best Practices