PixelottoReport – Who & How Much

Project name: PixelottoReport.com

Project Start Date: 7th of December, 2006

Brief description:

This project is dedicated to all Pixelotto.com advertisers and aimed to show them statistics from well known website by Alex Tew www.pixelotto.com

You can get there the following statistic information:

1. Tops of advertisers
2. Who & How much money spend on ads
3. Traffic statistic. But only for registeres users. Click to get to know how to register.

I’ve started this project as soon as I got information of pixelotto.com start.
The two nearest days was in aggresive development and in two days I’ve got this website.
Also there is blog for this website – “Live from Pixelotto” where many advertisers, Pixelotto haters and Pixelotto fans are sharing their ideas.