SHOPYBOT – Facebook Chatbot Platform for E-Commerce

Few months ago I released my chatbot platform for e-commerce – SHOPYBOT. Only now decided to write short article about its possibilities 🙂

Currently I have ~100 registered users and ~10 shops that created own bots.

Shopybot homepage banner homepage banner

Since I launched the platform I realized that some of the things I created for users need some re-work or not needed at all. I’ve been contacted by 3 shop owners and we had great discussions about features they would want to be in the platform and this was very helpful and I updated my backlog.

So, the platform idea is in the following:

  1. Give possibility to shop owners start selling products in Facebook
  2. Give this possibility not in a hard way, but in a “single click” solution
  3. ZERO programming skills required
  4. ZERO mind blowing conversation constructors, mindmaps, etc

Currently SHOPYBOT works with any e-commerce engines with help of a special export plugins (magento, prestashop, opencart) and works natively with WooCommerce because I created a shopybot plugin  that makes integration very easy.

Shopybot plugin for WooCommerce
Shopybot plugin for WooCommerce

If you have WooCommerce shop and want to create own chatbot you can just:

  • install this WooCommerce chatbot plugin
  • click button #1 to “Connect to”
  • click button #2  to “Connect Facebook page”
  • click button #3 to generate products to export
  • that’s it – bot already imported your products and started working

Brilliant thing is that you don’t need to do anything with your products in the bot – all you need is to manage your product as you did before in your WooCommerce admin and bot will be importing them automatically. Awesome? 🙂

Bot supports 4 languages now: English, German, Ukrainian and Portuguese. Will be adding more as soon as I get more shops with different languages.

So please try my bot and let me know in comments below what would you add to the list of features or you have cool idea – everything is more than welcome 🙂


E-Commerce Facebook Bot for any Online Store

Why do you need E-Commerce Bot?

Few months ago I’ve got an idea of making “Bot Sales Manager” for any online store. Yes, the idea is not unique, “Simpsons Already Did It”, but I havent found any service in the internets which solves this in convenient way.

Big players like eBay and Shopify already created bot solutions for their platforms and now it’s the turn of the rest of e-commerce to have this additional distribution channel.

Continue reading “E-Commerce Facebook Bot for any Online Store”

Add Facebook Open Graph tags to Phoenix Framework web page

Hi there,

This is very easy:

1. Create a function in LayoutView `web/views/layout_view.ex`:

    def ogtags(assigns) do
        if assigns[:ogtags] do
          for {key, value} <- assigns[:ogtags] do

Here I was using `content_tag` function but it created closed `</meta>` tag which I don’t really like.
In the else clause you can put some default OG tags, I put only `fb:app_id` fir the start.

2. Add this function to the app layout template `web/templates/layout/app.html.eex`:

<%= ogtags(assigns) %>

Where `assigns` is the map which contains almost everything you need to render the view.

3. Update your controller function with OG tags tuple and pass it to template like this:

  def show(conn, %{"token" => token}) do
    dream = Repo.get_by!(Dream, token: token)
    dream = Repo.preload dream, :user

    ogtags = %{
        "fb:app_id": "430839153628230",
        "og:type": "article",
        "og:site_name": "InstaDreams",
        "og:title": dream.title,
        "og:description": dream.body || dream.title,
        "og:audio": InstadreamsPhoenix.Router.Helpers.url(conn) <> "/uploads/dreams/#{dream.user.user_id}/#{dream.audio_filename}.mp3",

    render(conn, "show.html", dream: dream, ogtags: ogtags)

I guess the code here is self-explanatory (I used code from my pet-project
If you have some thought how we can improve the code above feel free to post a comment here 🙂